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Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Tutorial : Photoshop - How To Make An Icon


Hello guise !

Kita berjumpa lagi di entry yang baru . Malam ni aku nak buat tutorial sikit walaupun aku memang tak reti nak buat tutorial ni . Sebab aku ni bukanlah jenis yang tahu meng-explain-kan sesuatu kepada seseorang . K , tadi aku saja je check cbox aku then aku ternampak ada orang tanya aku something .

Jyeah ! Orang yang bertanyakan tu ialah FarahHannis . Terima kasih kerana tanya aku . K , jadi aku nak buat tutorial sikit berkenaan dengan soalan yang FarahHannis tanya tu . 

1. Open gambar yang korang nak jadikan icon tu dekat dalam photoshop . [Tekan Ctrl + O]

2. Korang buat transparent layer. Dan set-kan size layer tu kepada 100 x 100. [Tekan Ctrl + Alt + N]

3. Lepas tu korang pergi kat tanda 'crop'. Dan set-kan size crop tu kepada [Width : 100 . Height : 100]

4. Korang crop gambar yang korang nak jadikan icon tu . 

5. Lepas tu kalau dah crop tu , mesti size dia tak 100 x 100 walaupun dah set size crop tu 100 x 100 kan ? Jadi korang [Tekan Ctrl + Alt + I] dan set-kan size tu 100 x 100 .

6. Lepas tu korang drag gambar icon tu masuk ke dalam transparent layer tu . Dan , siaplah icon tu !

Ni icon yang aku dah sharpen dan gunakan action sikit.

*Kalau nak lawaa , korang boleh la sharpen kan gambar tu ataupun korang edit gambar tu . Tak pun korang tambah words ataupun texture .*

Kalau tak paham , tanya aku tahu . Takyah malu-malu dengan aku . Ppyong ..

Freebies : K-pop Font [Teen Top + 2NE1]

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Hello guise !

Today I wants make another freebies . It's a font name freebies . Today's artist is Teen Top and 2NE1 . Jyeah ! Finally I found the font of Teen Top . Hehehehe . Now , I become an Angel . Harharhar ..

Font Name : Terminator Real NFI

Font NameSaved by Zero

Freebies : Icons - Son Dong Woon [B2ST]


Annyeong ! Annyeong ! Annyeong guise !

Now it was 6th June . And I'm starting trending now on twitter . But , it have two hashtag about @beastdw 's birthday . One is #HappyWoonieDay and another one is #SonNamShinDay . I'm use both of the hashtag . So all swooner and B2UTY , show your loves toward Dongwoon by trending his birthday . Please ! Please ! Please ! Make Dongwoon's birthday trending on twitter at least untill 7th June . Please , Swooners don't break my heart . I'm gonna crying all day , okay if Dongwoon's birthday just trending for a few hour only . Okay , now I'll spazzing . I have made Dongwoon's icon . It's size 100 x 100 . This icons suitable to use for fansite , weheartit icon and etc . You also don't need to credit me . Just leave a comment if you use it , okay . *wink wink*







Ppyong ...

It's hard for me to arrange all of this icon in this entry :')